
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh tổng hợp – Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. He must have studied harder,…

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Câu bị động Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

You didn’t show me the special cameras.

Cách 1: This special camera_________ .

Cách 2: I _______this special camera.

  • wasn’t showed me/ wasn’t showed

  • wasn’t showed to me/ wasn’t showed

  • didn’t be showed to me/ wasn’t showed

  • wasn’t showed to me/ was not showed with

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Câu bị động Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

I hate_______ personal questions by nearly acquainted friends.

  • to be asking

  • to be asked

  • being asking

  • of asking

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Câu bị động Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

I ________ by my nephew last week.

  • had painted the gate

  • had the gate painting

  • had the gate painted

  • had the gate paint

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Câu bị động Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

A new museum _____ in this land before we came to live in Vietnam in 1999.

  • was opened

  • had been opened

  • has been opened

  • opened

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

I enjoyed ________ my grandmother during my summer vacation.

  • seeing

  • see

  • to see

  • to seeing

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

They agreed _______ us some more money.

  • lend

  • to lend

  • lending

  • lent

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

John’s eyes were _____ bad that he couldn’t read the number plate of the car in front.

  • such

  • too

  • so

  • very

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

Would you mind _______ more clearly, please?

  • speak

  • speaking

  • to speak

  • spoke

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (nâng cao)

“I don’t think Janet will win this time” – said Tony.

  • Tony wondered if Janet would win this time.

  • Tony believed that Janet would win that time.

  • Tony doubted whether Janet would win that time.

  • Tony suggested that Janet should try to win that time.

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (nâng cao)

Some body cleans the room every day

  • The room every day is cleaned

  • The room is every day cleaned

  • The room is cleaned every day

  • The room is cleaned by somebody every day

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (nâng cao)

They arrived too late to get good seats.

  • They had to stand for the whole show.

  • Although they were late, they found some good seats.

  • They got good seats some time after they arrived.

  • As they got there too late, there were no good seats left.

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (nâng cao)

. “Why don’t you ask the teacher for help?” Peter asked me.

  • Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.

  • Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help.

  • Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.

  • Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa cơ bản

You did a beautiful thing in helping those poor children.

  • meaningful

  • good

  • terrible

  • positive

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa cơ bản

We know not what is good until we have lost it.

  • find

  • count

  • guess

  • learn

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa cơ bản

Using Facebook, you can post update sayings about your life every day.

  • locate

  • displace

  • establish

  • put up

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa cơ bản

She was always very hard-working at school.

  • studious

  • learned

  • lazy

  • attentive

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
He must have studied harder, but he was too lazy and that's why he failed the exam.

  • must

  • too

  • that's

  • the exam

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
“You’d better work harder if you don’t want to retake the exam!” the teacher said to Jimmy.

  • The teacher advised Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

  • The teacher ordered Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

  • The teacher reminded Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

  • The teacher warned Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
One of the most difficult things young people have to face when they want to travel is the lack of funds. During the summer holiday and possibly at weekends, they are able to take on part-time jobs, but the money make is just a drop in the bucket of what they need to travel far away. For example, travelling to Australia from Vietnam can be quite expensive just for an airline ticket, and to a lot of students want to travel, it can seem out of reach.
For students want to travel Australia and New Zealand in particular, however, they are in luck. Although many countries offer working holidays, these two countries are well-known for offering them. When a young person signs up to get a working holiday visa, he only pays for the round-trip airfare to get to either place and only needs to carry some extra cash for incidentals. Once he is there, a job awaits where he can earn some money.
Many of the jobs require little or no experience such as picking fruit or working in a busy pub out in the countryside. Some of the jobs require more experience that most people or unlikely to have, such as being certified welder to work for eight weeks on a farm. That shouldn’t discourage you, though, there is always something to be found if you search hard enough.
There are many websites that advertise working holidays in Australia and New Zealand. If you have the courage and are looking for a way to make a little money and see the world, it might be just the ticket you were looking for.
Where can people find working holidays advertised?

  • On the Internet

  • In magazines

  • On the radio

  • In travel guidebooks

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions form 31 -35
Tourism will always have an impact on the places visited. Sometimes the impact is good, but often it is negative. For example, if lots of people visit one place, then this can damage the environment. The question is – how can we minimize the problems without preventing people from travelling and visiting places?
The main aim of ecotourism is to reduce the negative impact that tourism has on the environment and local people. The idea is to encourage tourists to think about what they do when they visit a place.
It's great to talk about protecting the environment, but how do you actually do this? There are a number of key points. Tourists shouldn't drop litter, they should stay on the paths, they shouldn't interfere with wildlife and they should respect local customs and traditions.
Some people see ecotourism as a contradiction. They say that any tourism needs infrastructure – roads, airports and hotels.The more tourists that visit a place, the more of these are needed and, by building more of these, you can't avoid damaging the environment.
But, of course, things aren't so black and white. Living in a place of natural beauty doesn't mean that you shouldn't benefit from things like better roads. As long as the improvements benefit the local people and not just the tourists, and the local communities are consulted on plans and changes, then is there really a problem?
In 2002 the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". Over the past twenty years, more and more people have started taking eco-holidays. In countries such as Ecuador, Nepal, Costa Rica and Kenya, ecotourism represents a significant proportion of the tourist industry.
In paragraph 4, the word "avoid" is closest in meaning to ____.

  • present

  • pretend

  • prevent

  • protest

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