
Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12 – Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Down did an apple fall when he was …

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Down did an apple fall when he was passing under the tree.

  • did an apple fall

  • when

  • was passing

  • under

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the___________of her children.

  • care

  • sake

  • advantage

  • concern

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
He is very stubborn but flattery usually works like a charm on him.

  • has no effect on

  • has a strong effect on

  • is completely successful in

  • turns out to be a disaster for

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50. thầy cô cần đề ôn theo đề minh họa ib zalo em 0984870778)
It is often held that technology in general does little to help family relationships as, in many cases, family members are more interested in their smartphones and the TV than they are in each other. Before smartphones, the TV was blamed the most for breakdowns in communication between parents and children. It was argued that 'the box' stopped them from talking to each other, and clashes between family members over what programmes to watch created barriers and caused resentment.
However, TV programmes can be both informative and entertaining. They often provide topics for family members to discuss, bringing them closer together rather than driving them further apart. What is more, twenty-first century families do not need to watch the same programme at the same time. The fact that people can watch what they want results in more time for families to be together rather than less.
The smartphone has taken over from the TV as the major reason for a lack of communication between family members. Parents often do not see why their children spend so much time online and fail to see the importance of having an online identity while most teens feel their online image is part of who they are. They often criticise the amount of time their children spend online rather than attempting to understand why they do it. In fact, adults are often not very good examples themselves. Who has not witnessed a table at a restaurant where all the family members are silently focused on their mobile devices?
Broadly speaking, smartphones do have some negative effects on family relationships. This technology is still relatively new, so many families have not yet learned how to deal with it. Parents and children should discuss how they use technology to help them all make the most of technology instead of blaming it for their problems.

(Adapted from High Note)

The word negative in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______

  • family members

  • barriers

  • interesting

  • worries

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.
A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists' predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.
Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said: "Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house."
Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses. In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist's thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations and makes observations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.
According to the second paragraph, a useful theory is one that helps scientists to ______

  • find errors in past experiments.

  • publicize new findings.

  • observe events.

  • make predictions.

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
I_______ going to the movie when I moved out of Ho Chi Minh City.

  • put off

  • looked up

  • gave up

  • turn off

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.
Rural America is diverse in many ways. As we have seen, no industry dominates the rural economy, no single pattern of population decline or (25)__________exists for all rural areas, and no statement about improvements and gaps in well-being holds true for all rural people. Many of these differences are regional in nature. That is, rural areas within a particular geographic region of the country often tend to be similar (26) __________each other and different from areas in another region. Persistent poverty also has a regional pattern, concentrated primarily in the Southeast. Other differences follow no regional pattern. Areas (27) __________rely heavily on the services industry are located throughout rural America, as are rural areas that have little access to advanced telecommunications services. Many of these differences, regional and non-regional, are the result of a (28) __________of factors including the availability of natural (29) __________; distance from and access to major metropolitan areas and the information and services found there; transportation and shipping facilities; political history and structure; and the racial, ethnic, and cultural makeup of the population.
(Adapted from “Understanding Rural America ”, Info USA)
The word or phrase which best fits the gap (29) is…

  • materials

  • habitats

  • resources

  • sources

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

  • schedule

  • reserve

  • wildlife

  • beauty

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Modern technologies have changed the way that people communicate with one another. These technologies provide new and innovative ways for people to communicate — text messaging, email, chat and social networks. They allow faster and more efficient communication and can help build relationships. However, modern technologies can also have negative effects such as limiting personal contact and straining relationships. The nature of the effect depends in large part on the type of relationship.
Modern technologies limit the amount of separation between work and home. With the advent of computers, the Internet and cell phones people can — and are often expected to — address work issues from home. This can limit family interactions and cause conflict between family members. The use of Internet and television by children and teenagers also limits the amount time spent with family and can increase conflict between children and their parents.
Young people use modern technologies in increasing numbers to communicate with their friends. Text messaging and online chats have become the preferred method of youth communication. A California State University and UCLA study indicates that for young people face-to-face interactions are less desirable than modern modes of communication. This preference could cause an inability to form lasting friendships or difficulty understanding social cues. Others believe that modern technologies increase communication and therefore strengthen friendships.
Starting new relationships — romantic and otherwise — can be difficult. Modern technologies allow people to make new connections without the fears characteristic of face-to-face contact. The anonymity and low risk are what makes Internet dating and social networks popular ways of meeting people. However, this anonymity can also be dangerous. In April 2011, a woman sued an online dating site after allegedly being raped by a man she met online.
Modern technologies allow couples to be in contact with each other more than ever before. This can lead to increased expectations and conflict. With the increasing use of cell phones and email, people often expect an instant reply to communication. A delayed reply — or none at all — can lead to suspicion and anger. The use of social networks can also affect relationships. Information that was once private — such as relationship conflicts — is now part of the public sphere.

It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________.

  • people’s personal information now is no longer confidential as people depend too much on social networks.

  • people’s relationships become worse and worse with the increasing use of modern technologies.

  • couples are likely to separate because of the pressure of keeping in touch on social networks.

  • conflicts between people are not difficult to solve with the help of modern technologies.

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Overpopulation in urban areas tends to create unfavourable conditions, which may result in ____ of food in developing countries.

  • damages

  • failures

  • shortages

  • supplies

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