
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao – It was very difficult to understand what he was saying about the noise of the traffic. …

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao

It was very difficult to understand what he was saying about the noise of the traffic.

  • pick up

  • make up

  • turn out

  • make out

His new yatch is certainly an ostentatious display of his wealth.

  • beautiful

  • showy

  • large

  • expensive

He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking.

  • steers me

  • irritates me

  • moves me

  • frightens me

. The suspected couple was taken away from the airport through a side entrance to the Police Station for interrogation.

  • whisked

  • rushed

  • guided

  • no improvement

The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all the students can be well-informed.

  • easily seen

  • beautiful

  • popular

  • suspicious

She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students.

  • strict

  • outspoken

  • firm

  • tactful

It was boiling yesterday. We have a very humid and dry summer this year.

  • very hot

  • cooking

  • dry

  • cooked

Helen Keller, blind and deaf from an early age, developed her sense of smell so finely that she could identify friends by their personal odors.

  • classify

  • recognize

  • describe

  • communicate with

He has sold his house and has no job and so now he has next to nothing.

  • he is unemployed

  • he has a few things

  • he has almost no money

  • he has nothing at all

In the 1960’s the upper level of Pennsylvania Station in New York City was torn down and replaced by Madison Square Garden.

  • detracted

  • demoted

  • distended

  • dismantled

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