
Tìm từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao phần 4

Tìm từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao

It was inevitable that the smaller company should merge with the larger one.

  • vital

  • unnecessary

  • urgent

  • unavoidable

In the 1776 pamphlet “Common Sense,” Thomas Paine defended the cause of the American Revolution.

  • fought

  • championed

  • exposed

  • believed

The sales of drugs is controlled by law in most of countries.

  • permitted

  • restricted

  • illegal

  • binding

The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all the students can be well-informed.

  • easily seen

  • beautiful

  • popular

  • suspicious

. We’ll have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in working condition

  • out of work

  • run out of

  • turn down

  • out of order

The copperhead, a snake that strikes without warning, is considered more dangerous than the rattlesnake.

  • exquisite

  • sporadic

  • treacherous

  • aloof

If petrol price go up any more, I shall have to use a bicycle.

  • develope

  • ascend

  • raise

  • increase

His new yatch is certainly an ostentatious display of his wealth.

  • beautiful

  • showy

  • large

  • expensive

Although the hours are longer, John earns more in his new joB.

  • gets on

  • brings in

  • makes out

  • takes up

Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals.

  • irrefutable

  • imminent

  • formidable

  • Absolute

Peter didn’t mean to be disrespectful to his teacher. He just couldn’t control his temper.

  • Showing lack of trust

  • showing impolite behavior

  • Showing nervousness

  • showing lack of attention

We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings. That is why we do not want to leave.

  • planted many trees in the surr

  • haunted by the surroundings

  • loved the surroundings

  • possessed by the surroundings

In certain types of poisoning, immediately give large quantities of soapy or salty water in order to induce vomiting.

  • cause

  • stop

. The suspected couple was taken away from the airport through a side entrance to the Police Station for interrogation.

  • whisked

  • rushed

  • guided

  • no improvement

In the United States, a party can nominate a single candidate for office.

  • refuse

  • keep

  • change

  • appoint

He has sold his house and has no job and so now he has next to nothing.

  • he is unemployed

  • he has a few things

  • he has almost no money

  • he has nothing at all

Carpets from countries such as Persia and Afghanistan often fetch high prices in the United States.

  • Artifacts

  • Pottery

  • Rugs

  • Textiles

I sometimes give my friends a ride in my car.

  • ask my friends drive for me

  • let my friends drive my car

  • hitch-hike my friends

  • give my friends a lift

The aircraft carrier is indispensable in naval operations against sea or shore based enemies.

  • unique

  • novel

  • exotic

  • vital

The museum dismissed the curator after some of the oldest paintings were damaged.

  • artist

  • cleaner

  • guard

  • director

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