
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai(cơ bản) phần 1

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai(cơ bản)

I’m not used to go to school late. I prefer punctuation.

  • I’m not used to

  • go

  • late

  • prefer

English, together with Literature and Maths, are compulsory subjects in the national curriculum.

  • English

  • with Literature

  • are

  • national curriculum

He is the second person be killed in that way.

  • is

  • the

  • be killed

  • way

You shouldn’t criticize him in front of his friends. It was insensitive of you.

  • shouldn’t criticize

  • him in front of

  • it

  • insensitive

. Had it not been
for you help me, I wouldn’t have succeeded.

  • not

  • you help

  • wouldn’t

  • succeeded

The teacher together with his students have finished their project on time.

  • The

  • together

  • have

  • their

. United States is aimed at
develop friendly relations among nations based on
respect for the principle of equal rights and
self-determination of people.

  • develop

  • based

  • principle

  • people

By measuring the color of a star, astronomers can tell how hot is it.

  • measuring

  • the

  • how

  • is it

The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that have become extinct have increased.

  • industrialized

  • species

  • extinct

  • have

By the time Robert will
writing the first draft of his paper, most
of the other students will have completed their final

  • will finish

  • writing

  • most

  • their

My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

  • the

  • asked me

  • had I

  • before

Society uses such
emotions as proud, shame, guilt, and fear
to maintain itself.

  • such human

  • proud

  • guilt

  • itself

There are some people in the government try to improve the lives of poor people.

  • to improve

  • There are

  • lives

  • try

Folklore consists of the beliefs, customs, traditions, and telling stories that people pass from generation to generation.

  • Folklore

  • the

  • telling stories

  • generation

. The telephone rang several times and then stop before I could answer it.

  • times

  • then

  • stop

  • could

The grass needs cutting,
so let us have one of the men to take lawn-mower
and do it.

  • needs

  • cutting

  • let

  • to

. The shopkeeper warned the boys don’t learn their bicycles against his windows.

  • the

  • don’t

  • their

  • against

The teacher asked him why hadn’t he done his homework, but he said nothing.

  • why

  • hadn’t he done

  • but

  • said nothing

Despite the long history of the rights of property ownership, there have been a great deal of disagreement over what such rights entail.

  • what such rights entail

  • have been

  • Despite

  • a great deal of

There are many reasons why a particular species may become endangering.

  • endangering

  • may

  • a

  • reasons why

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