
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ đồng nghĩa cơ bản phần 6

Tìm từ đồng nghĩa cơ bản

I didn’t think his the comments were very appropriate at the time.

  • correct

  • right

  • exact

  • suitable

I received housing benefit when I was unemployed.

  • out of order

  • out of fashion

  • out of work

  • out of practice

The shoplifter immediately admitted to her crime to the security guard.

  • Agreed

  • Pleased

  • Denied

  • confessed

We decided to pay for the car on the installment plan.

  • cash and carry

  • monthly payment

  • credit card

  • piece by piece

The consequences of the typhoon were disatrous due to the lack of effective measures.

  • meaningful

  • beneficial

  • excited

  • damaging

We can use either verbal or nonverbal forms of communication.

  • using gesture

  • using speech

  • using verbs

  • using facial expressions

During the recession, many small companies were eradicated.

  • taken over

  • wiped out

  • run on

  • set up

He made one last futile effort to convince her and left home.

  • favorable

  • difficult

  • ineffectual

  • firm

Ask Mum for permission to go out now. She looks like she’s in a good mood.

  • fashionable

  • unconcerned

  • healthful

  • happy

In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war.

  • initiated

  • appalled

  • devoted

  • mounted

My parents’ warnings didn’t deter me from choosing the job of my dreams.

  • influence

  • discourage

  • reassure

  • inspire

Childbearing is the women’s most wonderful role.

  • Giving birth to a baby

  • Bring up a child

  • Educating a child

  • Having no child

Those companies were closed due to some seriously financial problems.

  • taken off

  • put away

  • gone over

  • wiped out

She came to the meeting late on purpose so she would miss the introductory speech.

  • aiming at

  • intentionally

  • reasonably

  • with a goal

I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry.

  • hopeless

  • hopeful

  • successful

  • unsuccessful

Reaching 35 and obviously aging, Jane has to make up her mind on her future very soon.

  • give a thought about

  • pay attention to

  • prepare a plan for

  • make a decision on

Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground.

  • felt sorry for us

  • changed his decision

  • wanted to continue

  • refused to change his decision

When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.

  • relate on

  • be interested in

  • impress on

  • pay attention to

You can make a good living in sales if you have the right attitude and strategies.

  • achieve consideration success

  • earn a lot of money

  • have an uncomfortable lifestyl

  • live a good life

The journalist refused to disclose the sourse of his information.

  • open

  • reveal

  • shut

  • conceal

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