Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa nâng cao phần 14

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa nâng cao

His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning.

  • elicited

  • irregular

  • secret

  • legal

Unless you get your information from a credible website, you should doubt the veracity of the facts until you have confirmed them else where.

  • inexactness

  • falsehoodness

  • unaccuracy

  • unfairness

The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close the factory

  • was dismissed

  • was acclaimed

  • was criticized

  • was penalized

Affluent families find it easier to support their children financially.

  • Wealthy

  • Well-off

  • Privileged

  • Impoverished

Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

  • disciplined

  • selective

  • wholesale

  • unconscious

I clearly remember talking to him in a chance meeting last summer.

  • unplanned

  • deliberate

  • accidental

  • unintentional

Nutritionists believe that vitamins circumvent diseases.

  • defeat

  • nourish

  • help

  • treat

The dim light made it hard to see, so Ben squinted to make out the stranger’s face in the distance.

  • faint

  • muted

  • weak

  • strong

My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.

  • be optimistic

  • be pessimistic

  • be confident

  • be smart

Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank won’t honor the check.

  • similar

  • different

  • fake

  • genuine

I can’t stand people who treat animals cruelly

  • cleverly

  • reasonably

  • gently

  • brutally

He is not popular and has a lot of enemies.

  • opponents

  • friends

  • betrayers

  • attackers

There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble.

  • adequate

  • unsatisfactory

  • abundant

  • dominant

The couple tried to converse in the busy restaurant, but they couldn’t hear themselves speak so they went elsewhere.

  • talk

  • stop talking

  • chat

  • communicate

During the five- decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.

  • holding at

  • holding back

  • holding to

  • holding by

We are very grateful to Professor Humble for his generosity in donating this wonderful painting to the museum.

  • meanness

  • sympathy

  • gratitude

  • churlishness

He was so insubordinate that he lost his job within a week.

  • fresh

  • disobedient

  • obedient

  • understanding

Maureen usually felt depressed on Mondays, because she never got enough sleep on the weekends.

  • unhappy

  • cheerful

  • glum

  • understanding

Strongly advocating health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate.

  • supporting

  • impugning

  • advising

  • denying

With her sophiscated tastes, the singer has become an omnipresent icon of style and beauty.

  • oblivious

  • controversial

  • ubiquitous

  • unknown