
Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12 – Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. James had a cosy birthday party at …

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
James had a cosy birthday party at home last Friday in the _______ of his close friends.

  • company

  • business

  • atmosphere

  • residence

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicatethe correct answer to each ofthe following questions from 23 to 36.
__________ the table, Mr. Robert called the family for support.

  • Being laid

  • Having lying

  • Having laid

  • Have laid

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Something tells me that you _________ to a single word I _________ in the past ten minutes.

  • haven’t listened/ was saying

  • didn’t listen/ said

  • haven’t been listening/ have said

  • haven’t listened/ said

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
He committed the crime under the ______ of drugs.

  • connection

  • touch

  • influence

  • impact

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Astronomers have for the first time definitively ID’d the birth of a specific heavy element during a neutron-star smashup. They found strontium. And it showed up in the wavelengths of light — or spectra — making up this collision’s afterglow.
Scientists had assumed that a collision by two super-dense objects, such as neutron stars, would trigger a chain of nuclear reactions. They’re known as the r-process. In such an environment, the nuclei of atoms could rapidly gobble up neutrons. Afterward, those nuclei would become transformed in a process known as radioactive decay. The r-process was seen as a way to transform old, smaller elements into newer, bigger ones. About half of all elements heavier than iron were thought to be made in the r-process. Finding strontium in the recent collision at last offered the most direct evidence yet that neutron-star collisions really do trigger the r-process.
Physicists had long predicted that silver, gold and many other elements more massive than iron formed this way. But scientists weren’t sure where those r-process reactions took place. After all, no one had directly seen the r-process underway in a celestial event. Or they didn’t until the merger of two neutron stars in 2017. Scientists quickly analyzed light given off by that cataclysm. In it, they found evidence of the birth of a hodgepodge of heavy elements. All would seem to have come from the r-process.
The researchers were examining mostly very heavy elements — ones whose complex atomic structures can generate millions of spectral features. And all of those features were not yet fully known, Watson points out. This made it extremely difficult to tease apart which elements were present, he says.
Strontium, however, is relatively light compared to other r-process elements. And its simple atomic structure creates a few strong and well-known spectral clues. So Watson and his colleagues expanded their analysis to consider it. In doing so, they turned up the clear "fingerprint" of strontium. It emerged in light collected by the Very Large Telescope in Chile within a few days of the neutron-star collision. Seeing strontium in the afterglow wasn’t all that unexpected, says Brian Metzger. He’s an astrophysicist at Columbia University in New York City and not involved in the new work. Strontium, he notes, “does tell us something interesting” about the elements formed during the neutron-star collision.

Which best serves as the title for the passage?

  • Gravitational waves linked to neutron star collision.

  • A nearby neutron star crash could cause calamity on Earth.

  • Neutron-star collision shakes space and time.

  • Heavy element identified from a neutron-star collision.

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions
Mike became a father. He felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Were Mike to become a father himself, he would feel a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Only after Mike had become a father himself did he feel a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Had Mike become a father himself, he would have felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Not until he felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents did Mike become a father himself.

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Look! The yard is wet. It __________ last night.

  • must have rained

  • couldn’t have rained

  • must rain

  • should have rained

* Modal perfect
– Could/ May/ Might + have + PP: có lẽ đã
Diễn tả một điều gì đó có thể đã xảy ra hoặc có thể đúng ở quá khứ; một khả năng có thể ở quá khứ nhưng người nói không dám chắc.
E.g.: She didn’t hear the phone ring. She might have been sleeping at that time. (Cô ấy đã không nghe thấy chuông điện thoại. Vào lúc đó có lẽ là cô ấy đang ngủ.)
Mai could have gone out with him last night. (Tối qua Mai có lẽ đã đi chơi với anh ta.)
– Should/ Ought to +have + PP: lẽ ra phải, lẽ ra nên
– Diễn tả một điều gì đó lẽ ra đã nên hoặc phải xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng thực tế đã không xảy ra trong quá khứ vì lý do nào đó
E.g: I should have gone to the post office this morning. (Lẽ ra sáng nay tôi phải đi bưu điện.) Tôi đã không đi
– Diễn tả sự đáng tiếc, hối hận đã không làm việc gì đó
E.g: I failed the exam. I should have studied harder. (Tôi đã thi trượt. Đáng lẽ ra tôi nên chăm học hơn.)
– Chúng ta có thể dùng cụm was/were supposed to V để thay thế cho should have PP
E.g: She was supposed to go/ should have gone to the party last night.
– Must + have + PP: chắc hẳn đã, hẳn là
Diễn tả sự suy đoán hay kết luận logic dựa vào thực tế ở quá khứ
E.g: Mary passed the exam with flying colors. She must have studied hard. (Mary đã thi đậu với kết quả cao. Cô ấy chắc hẳn đã học chăm chỉ.)
→ Must + have been + V-ing: chắc hẳn lúc ấy đang
E.g: I didn’t hear the doorbell. I must have been gardening behind the house. (Tôi đã không nghe thấy chuông cửa. Chắc hẳn lúc ấy tôi đang làm vườn phía sau nhà.)
Would + have + PP: dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 3 với nghĩa “đã .. .rồi”
E.g: If I had had enough money, I would have bought that house last year. (Nếu năm ngoái tôi đã có đủ tiền thì tôi đã mua ngôi nhà kia rồi.)
– Diễn tả một tình huống đã có thể xảy ra trong quá khứ, nhưng thực sự đã không diễn ra.
E.g: I would have been happy to see him, but I didn’t have time.
– Can’t + have + PP: chắc là đã không thể làm gì
Diễn tả một sự việc gần như chắc chắn không thể xảy ra
E.g: They can’t have bought it today because the shops are closed. (Hôm nay chắc là họ không thể mua được nó vì các cửa hàng đều đóng cửa.)

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the blanks from 25 to 29.
The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever (25) ___________and it can weigh as much as thirty elephants. It comes as no surprise, therefore, to hear that ancient folk legends tell of sailors mistaking these creatures for islands.
The more we (26) ___________ about whales, the more wonderful they seem. Some, species can (27) ___________their breath for more than an hour and dive to (28) ___________of over 2000 meters. They use a system of sounds known as echo-location to find the fish they eat and they have further sounds to keep in touch with each other. The noises they (29) ___________can travel hundreds of miles under water. Some species seem to sing complicated songs which consist of a number of separate themes, sung in a specific order which can last up to half an hour or more. If you ever get the chance to see one of these great creatures in the wild, you will understand why they have inspired so many legends.
The word or phrase which best fits the gap (28) is…

  • depth

  • length

  • width

  • breadth

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
The victim of the racial discrimination settled for the apology from the company.

  • made

  • accepted

  • offered

  • issued

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
I walked away as calmly as I could ______________, they would have thought I was a thief.

  • If so

  • Or else

  • In case

  • Owing to

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