
Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12 – Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to …

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50
A row of mangrove trees sticking out of the sand, exposed by low tide off Kutubdia island in the Bay of Bengal, is all that remains of a coastal village that for generations was home to 250 families. The villagers were forced to flee as their land, which had been slowly eroding for decades, was finally engulfed by the ever-rising tide five years ago. For the embattled people, the distant trees serve as a bittersweet reminder of what they have lost. They also act as a warning of what is to come.
UN scientists predict some of the worst impacts of climate change will occur in south-east Asia, and that more than 25 million people in Bangladesh will be at risk from sea level rise by 2050. It is well known that many of the countries most vulnerable to climate change are among those who contribute to it the least, and here that’s certainly true. The carbon footprint of Kutubdia’s 100,000 islanders is small – most do not even have access to a regular electricity supply. But they fear that for them, time is already running out.
So far, members of the fishing community of Ali Akbar Dail, perched precariously on a strip of coast next to the embankment, have learnt to adapt to the many natural disasters thrown at them. When the cyclones hit, they hoist their children on to their shoulders and head for the network of cyclone shelters. These shelters, along with the country’s early warning system, have dramatically reduced fatalities. However, after a year that they say has brought more – and more powerful -storms than before, the fishermen are engaged in a battle for survival against their only asset: the ocean.
Scientists say the sinking of islands in the Bay in Bengal is due to natural and possibly man-made climate change. Erosion linked to storm surges, for instance, predate global warming. But sea surface temperatures, linked to sea level rise, have risen in the Bay of Bengal. In a report published last month, scientists said they believed the higher surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean were causing cyclones to increase their frequency and intensity.
There are too many challenges. People are losing their ancestral land, and they are having to migrate to other places. There, they have to adapt to a new environment. But in their new home, they are still anxious and uncertain about the future.

(Adapted from On Screen by Jenny Dooley and Virgina Evans)​

Which best serves as the title for the passage?

  • Climate change challenges faced in Asia.

  • The disappearing fishing villages of Bangladesh.

  • How to adapt to natural disasters?

  • An unpredictable future awaits.

DỊCH BÀI​ Một hàng cây ngập mặn nhô ra khỏi cát, lộ ra khi thủy triều xuống ngoài khơi đảo Kutubdia ở Vịnh Bengal, là tất cả những gì còn lại của một ngôi làng ven biển mà trong nhiều thế hệ là nơi sinh sống của 250 gia đình. Dân làng buộc phải chạy trốn khi đất đai của họ, vốn bị xói mòn dần trong nhiều thập kỷ, cuối cùng đã bị nhấn chìm bởi thủy triều dâng cao cách đây 5 năm. Đối với những ai bị
mắc kẹt, những cái cây phía xa như một lời nhắc nhở về những gì họ đã mất. Chúng cũng như một lời cảnh báo về như một lời cảnh báo về những gì sắp xảy ra.
Các nhà khoa học Liên Hợp Quốc dự đoán một số tác động tồi tệ nhất của biến đổi khí hậu sẽ xảy ra ở Đông Nam Á và hơn 25 triệu người ở Bangladesh sẽ gặp rủi ro do nước biển dâng vào năm 2050. Ai cũng biết rằng nhiều quốc gia dễ bị tổn thương nhất đối với biến đổi khí hậu là một trong những quốc gia đóng góp ít nhất vào vấn đề đó, và ở đây điều đó chắc chắn đúng. Lượng khí thải carbon của 100.000 cư dân trên đảo Kutubdia là nhỏ – hầu hết thậm chí không được tiếp cận với nguồn cung cấp điện thường xuyên. Nhưng họ sợ rằng đối với họ, thời gian đã không còn nhiều nữa.
Cho đến nay, các người dân của cộng đồng ngư dân Ali Akbar Dail, sống bấp bênh trên dải bờ biển cạnh bờ kè, đã học cách thích nghi với nhiều thảm họa thiên nhiên ập đến với họ. Khi lốc xoáy ập đến, họ nâng con mình lên vai và chạy về hướng mạng lưới trú ẩn của lốc xoáy. Những nơi trú ẩn này, cùng với hệ thống cảnh báo sớm của đất nước, đã giảm đáng kể số người tử vong. Tuy nhiên, họ nói rằng cứ sau một năm lại càng có nhiều cơn bão mạnh hơn trước, các ngư dân đang tham gia vào cuộc chiến sinh tồn với tài sản duy nhất của họ: đại dương.
Các nhà khoa học cho biết, việc các đảo ở Vịnh Bengal bị chìm là do biến đổi khí hậu tự nhiên và có thể do con người tạo ra. Ví dụ, xói mòn liên quan đến nước dâng do bão có trước khi trái đất nóng lên. Nhưng nhiệt độ bề mặt nước biển, liên quan đến mực nước biển dâng, đã tăng lên ở Vịnh | Bengal. Trong một báo cáo được công bố vào tháng trước, các nhà khoa học cho biết họ tin rằng nhiệt độ bề mặt cao hơn ở Ấn Độ Dương đang khiến các cơn lốc xoáy gia tăng tần suất và cường độ.
Có quá nhiều thách thức. Những người dân chài đang dần mất đi mảnh đất của tổ tiên để lại, và họ phải di cư tới những nơi ở khác. Ở đó, họ phải thích ứng với môi trường mới. Nhưng cũng chính tại nơi đây, họ vẫn lo lắng và chẳng biết tương lai sẽ đi đâu, về đâu.
Đâu là tiêu đề phù hợp nhất cho đoạn văn?
A. Những thách thức đối với biến đổi khí hậu ở Châu Á.
B. Những làng chài biến mất của Băng-la-đét.
C. Làm thế nào để thích ứng với thiên tai?
D. Một tương lai không thể đoán trước đang chờ đợi.
Đoạn văn đề cập đến sự biến mất của các làng chài ở bangladesh nên đáp án B phù hợp
Các đáp án khác chỉ là ý nhỏ trong bài hỗ trợ ý chính

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The string family is the largest section of the orchestra. The four main stringed instruments look similar but are all different sizes. Each can be played by plucking the strings with the fingers or with a bow, which is pulled (23) _______ across the instrument's four strings.
The VIOLIN is the smallest of the string instruments and can play the highest (24) ________. The violin often plays the melody – this is the tune you will be humming after you leave a performance. The VIOLA is slightly larger than the violin. Because it is bigger, it can play lower notes. (25) _______ the viola is only a little bit bigger than the violin, it can be hard to tell them apart. The viola plays many beautiful melodies just like the violin.
The CELLO is (26) ________ the violin and the viola. It is so large that the cellist must sit on a chair holding the cello between his or her knees in order to play. The cello often plays accompaniment parts.
Because it is the largest of the stringed instruments, the DOUBLE BASS plays the lowest notes. This instrument is so large that the bass players have to stand up or sit on tall stools to play it. The bass often plays (27) ________ parts with the cello.
The word or phrase which best fits the gap (24) is…

  • notes

  • noting

  • notable

  • noted

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D, on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
An idea came to me, and I turned off the lights in the studio. In the darkness, I put the cello's spike into a loose spot on the carpet, tightened the bow and drew it across the open strings. I took off my shirt and tried it again, it was the first time in my life I'd felt the instrument against my bare chest. I could fell the vibration of the strings travel through the body of the instrument to my own body. I'd never thought about that; music scholars always talk about the resonating properties of various instruments, but surely the performer's own body must have some effect on the sound. As I dug into the notes I imagined that my own chest and lung were extensions of the sound box; I seemed to be able to alter the sound by the way I sat, and by varying the muscular tension in my upper body.
After improvising for a while, I started playing the D minor Bach suite, still in the darkness. Strangely freed of the task of finding the right phrasing, the right intonation, the right bowing, I heard the music through my skin. For the first time I didn't think about how it would sound to anyone else, and slowly, joyfully, gratefully, I started to hear again. The note sang out, first like a trickle, then like a fountain of cool water bubbling up from a hole in the middle of the desert. After an hour or so I looked up, and in the darkness saw the outline of the cat sitting on the floor in front of me, cleaning her paws and purring loudly. I had an audience again, humble as it was.
So that's what I do now with the cello. At least once a day I find time to tune it, close my eyes, and listen. It's probably not going to lead to the kind of come back. I'd fantasized about for so long – years of playing badly have left scars on my technique, and, practically speaking, classical musicians returning from obscurity are almost impossible to promote – but might eventually try giving a recital if I feel up to it. Or better yet, I may pay for Dr. Polk if our date at the concert goes well. Occasionally I fell a stab of longing, and I wish I could give just one more concert on the great stage before my lights blink off, but that longing passes more quickly now. I take solace on the fact that, unlike the way I felt before, I can enjoy playing for myself now. I fell relaxed and expansive when I play, as if I could stretch out my arms and reach from one end of the apartment to the other. A feeling of the completeness and dignity surrounds me and lifts me up.
All of following are mentioned in paragraph 2 as part of the cellist's new way of playing EXCEPT _______.

  • playing the instrument in the dark

  • thinking of how the music sounded to others

  • “hearing” music through his bare skin

  • not worrying about finding the right phrasing

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

  • partnership

  • romantic

  • actually

  • attitude

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Some high school students take part in _______ the handicapped.

  • helping

  • to help

  • help

  • being help

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
A donation of 10,000 dollars is just a drop in the ocean compared to millions that need to be spent.

  • a considerable amount

  • a pocket-size organ

  • a small part

  • an insignificant piece

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Human beings have a superpower – sweating. When temperatures rise, beads of sweat exude from our pores and evaporate, releasing energy that cools the skin and keeps our bodies (26) _______ overheating. This self-cooling mechanism has helped humans spread to (27) _______ hot and humid corner of the globe. But that sweating superpower has a theoretical upper limit: When it gets too hot and humid, the laws of physics inhibit swear from cooling skin. That limit is hit when a bulb thermometer wrapped in a wet towel (a measure of heat and humidity (28) _______ is known as “wet-bulb” temperature) reads 35O Celsius, or 95O Fahrenheit. Even the fittest human supplied with unlimited water would probably die after a few hours in these conditions.
Scientists have thought that this temperature extreme occurs rarely, if ever, on Earth. (29)______ as the globe warms, wet-bulb temperatures around 35O C could become more common toward the end of the century in certain regions, endangering hundreds of millions of people.
If carbon emissions aren’t (30) ______ curbed in the coming decades, these relatively rare extremes will become increasingly common. Such conditions are unbearable without technology like air conditioning and make outdoor labor near impossible.
The word or phrase which best fits the gap (27) is…

  • most

  • every

  • almost

  • all

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


A Texas middle school is under fire after students say they have been banned from speaking Spanish in class. The students say their principal announced the rule last month over the intercom. Inside the walls of Hemptead Middle School, a language controversy is brewing. “There's one teacher that said, “If you speak Spanish in my class, I'm gonna write you up,” 8th grader Tiffani Resurez says. Four students say their principal's announcement – banning them from speaking Spanish in class – has given teachers and fellow students a hall pass to discriminate. “She was like, „No speaking Spanish.' She told me that. I was like, “That's my first language.’ She said, „Well, you can get out," fellow classmate Yedhany Gallegos says. A letter sent home by the superintendent says, "Neither the district nor any campus has any policy prohibiting the speaking of Spanish." The four students feel that the statement from the superintendent has not been made entirely clear that their school. "People don't want to speak it anymore and don't want to get caught speaking it because they're going to get into trouble," 6th grader Kiara Lozano says. Parents, like Cynthia Zamora, believe the school is not getting to the root of the problem. She wants to know why the "No Spanish" announcement was ever made in the first place. "I was very surprised that she would even go to such lengths," Zamora says. Many students at the school grew up speaking Spanish at home, and they say it often comes as second nature when they're talking to each other at school. “I'm not scared. I'm gonna keep speaking language. That's my first language, and I'm gonna keep doing it," Lozano said. The principal has been placed on paid administrative leave while the district investigates. A spokeswoman for Hempstead Inder School District has released a statement saying, in part, “The district is committed to efficiently and effectively resolving this matter with as little disruption to our students and their learning environment as possible."

(Adapted from: https://www. learning habits)​

What can we infer about the policy on no speaking Spanish?

  • The principal who made this announcement hated Spanish.

  • All the students and school staff were irritated by the policy.

  • Students were against the rule at first but then compromised.

  • Only people inside of the school knew about the rule when it was announced.

Câu hỏi: Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the questions from 31 -35
Fiberscopes are one of the most important Outcomes of the science of fiber optics. Fibers made of glass and transparent acrylic plastic are capable of conveying light energy, and when thousands of these fibers are combined in what is called a fiberscope, they can transmit images. The most common fiberscopes contain about 750,000 fibers, each 0.001 centimeter, or 10 microns, in diameter. For certain uses, the diameter of the fiber may be as small as 5 microns.
Fiberscopes have a wide range of applications. In the medical field, physicians use fiberscopes to examine internal organs and as an aid in delicate surgeries. Miniature probes have also been developed to view muscle fiber, skin tissue, and blood cells. Fiberscopes have also found varied uses in industry, particularly to inspect or control operations in inaccessible areas. Bundles of fiberscopes fused together in a solid plate, called a faceplate, are being used in the manufacture of television picture tubes and other cathode-ray tube devices.
The most far-reaching applications of fiber-optic technology are in communications. Optical fibers carry voice messages for telephone service. The sound of the voice is electronically broken down into thousands of pulses per second, which causes a transmitting laser to send coordinated pulses of light through the optical fibers. At the receiving end, the light pulses are converted to electrical signals and the voice message is reconstructed. Light-wave communication systems can handle an immensely greater number of telephone calls and television programs than the current system, and they will form the basis of the "electronic superhighway" expected to crisscross the nation in the near future of the information age.
It can be inferred from the passage that fiberscopes _________

  • have more uses in industry than in medicine

  • will play a major role in the information age

  • will decrease in importance as they become more common

  • have reached the peak of their development

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet toindicate the correct answer to each of thequestions from 39 to 43.
Health promotion and disease prevention programs focus on keeping people healthy. Health promotion programs aim to engage and empower individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviours and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other morbidities. Defined by the World Health Organization, health promotion is: "The process enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions."
Disease prevention differs from health promotion because it focuses on specific efforts aimed at reducing the development and severity of chronic diseases and other morbidities.
Wellness is related to health promotion and disease prevention. Wellness is described as the attitudes and active decisions made by an individual that contribute to positive health behaviours and outcomes.
Health promotion and disease prevention programs often address social determinants of health, which influence modifiable risk behaviours. Social determinants of health are the economic, social, cultural, and political conditions in which people are born, grow, and live that affect health status. Modifiable risk behaviours include, for example, tobacco use, poor eating habits, and lack of physical activity, which contribute to the development of chronic disease.
(Adapted from

What does disease prevention focus on?

  • Wide range of social and environmental interventions.

  • Specific efforts reducing the development and severity of chronic diseases.

  • Attitudes and active decisions made by an individual.

  • Positive health behaviours and outcomes.

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