
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (nâng cao) – It was such a sad film that we all were reduced_______ tears at the end. …

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (nâng cao)

It was such a sad film that we all were reduced_______ tears at the end.

  • with

  • onto

  • to

  • into

The replacement of shops such as groceries’ and chemist’s by cafes _______ the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping.

  • leave

  • have left

  • has left

  • to have left

“Can I use your computer?” – “_______.”

  • Well done.

  • No, thanks.

  • Of course

  • Yes, I can

Silence __________ the theatre as the audience awaited the opening curtain with expectation and excitement.

  • fell in with

  • came between

  • hung over

  • dropped out of

Jimmy sent his mother a ___________ of flowers for her birthday.

  • bar

  • bunch

  • pack

  • packet

She is without _____ the best student in the class.

  • evidence

  • fail

  • sense

  • mistake

Many young people in rural areas don`t want to spend their lives on the farm like ______ parents.

  • weather-beaten

  • up-to-date

  • long-term

  • wide-range

They ________ have seen the play last night as they went to a football match instead.

  • could

  • must

  • can’t

  • might

In spite of his abilities, Peter has been ______ overlooked for promotion.

  • repeat

  • repeatedly

  • repetitiveness

  • repetitive

My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he ______ to the occasion wonderfully.

  • raised

  • rose

  • fell

  • faced

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