
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (cơ bản) – No matter how hard Fred tried to lose weight, he did not succeed. …

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (cơ bản)

No matter how hard Fred tried to lose weight, he did not succeed.

  • However hard Fred tried, he could not lose weight.

  • Fred tried very hard to lose weight and succeeded.

  • It was hard for Fred to lose weight because he never succeeded.

  • It did not matter whether Fred could lose weight.

: Jack’s watch was ten minutes slow. That was why he was late for his interview

  • If Jack’s watch hadn’t been ten minutes slow, he wouldn’t be late for his interview

  • If Jack’s watch hadn’t been ten minutes slow, he wouldn’t have been late for his interview

  • If Jack hadn’t been late for his interview, his watch wouldn’t have been ten minutes slow

  • If Jack’s watch weren’t ten minutes slow, he wouldn’t be late for his interview.

A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.

  • A waitress that served us was very impolite and impatient .

  • A waitress, which served us, was very impolite and impatient.

  • A waitress, that served us, was very impolite and impatient.

  • A waitress, whom served us, was very impolite and impatient.

: I am not certain, but there may be about twenty applicants for the job.

  • I am not sure if there are about twenty applicants for the job.

  • At a guess, there are about twenty applicants for the job

  • I guess that there are twenty applicants for the job

  • Twenty people are guessed to have applied for the job

I didn’t arrive in time. I was not able to see her off.

  • I arrived very late to say goodbye to her.

  • She had left because I was not on time.

  • I was not early enough to see her off.

  • I didn’t go there , so I could not see her off.

Joe has finished his frist-aid course. He proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker.

  • Although Joe proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker, he hasn’t finished his first-aid course.

  • Without finishing his first-air course, Joe proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker.

  • However helpful Joe proves as a rescue worker, he hasn’t finished his first-aid course.

  • Having finished his first-aid course, Joe proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker.

“You have just got a promotion, haven’t you? Congratulations!” Peter said to his friend.

  • Peter dream of getting promotion.

  • Peter told his friend if his friend getting a promotion.

  • Peter asked his friend on getting a promotion.

  • Peter congratulated his friend on getting a promotion.

I hardly know the truth about Jean’s success in the institute.

  • I do not know much about Jean’s success in the institute.

  • It is difficult for Jean to be successful in the institute.

  • Jean’s success in the institute was not to be known.

  • Jean hardly become known and successful in the institute.

The purpose of any invention is to make our lives better, so good or bad; it depends on the way by which we use these inventions.

  • Whether an invention is good or bad depends on the way by which we use it because the purpose of any invention is to make our lives better.

  • We can use either good or bad inventions to make our lives better.

  • The purpose of any invention, whether good or bad, is to make our lives better. This depends on the way by which we use these inventions

  • Good or bad as they are, all inventions have the same purpose to make our lives better.

He didn’t take his father’s advice. That’s why he is out of work.

  • If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not have been out of work.

  • If he took his father’s advice, he would not be out of work.

  • If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not be out of work.

  • If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work.

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