
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai (cơ bản) – More than ten students have failed the exam, that surprised the class teacher. …

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai (cơ bản)

More than ten students have failed the exam, that surprised the class teacher.

  • more than

  • have failed

  • that

  • the

The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience.

  • before

  • the

  • worst

  • tried

Mrs. Loan, along
her talented students, are going to be on
the summer camp to USA.

  • along with

  • talented

  • are going

  • summer

I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn’t work.

  • had

  • repair

  • but now

  • work

. Because her sickness she didn’t take part in the English competition held in Sunday.

  • Because

  • she

  • take

  • held

Neither William or his brother stole the rambutans from our orchard.

  • or

  • stole

  • from

  • our orchard

The number of students attending universities to study economics have increased steadily in the last few years.

  • of students

  • attending

  • economics

  • have

The grass needs cutting,
so let us have one of the men to take lawn-mower
and do it.

  • needs

  • cutting

  • let

  • to

Oxygen plays a important role in maintaining live.

  • a

  • plays

  • role

  • live

There are some people in the government try to improve the lives of poor people.

  • to improve

  • There are

  • lives

  • try

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