Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai(cơ bản) phần 2

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai(cơ bản)

I clearly remember to tell you about this before.

  • clearly

  • remember

  • to tell

  • about

Many languages used around the world they do not have a form of writing.

  • used

  • around

  • they

  • a form of writing

The grass needs cutting,
so let us have one of the men to take lawn-mower
and do it.

  • needs

  • cutting

  • let

  • to

The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many different meanings of words and to give real examples.

  • well known

  • The

  • meanings

  • to give

Having finished his tem paper before the deadline, it was delivered to professor before the class.

  • having finished

  • before

  • it was delivered

  • before

Despite the long history of the rights of property ownership, there have been a great deal of disagreement over what such rights entail.

  • what such rights entail

  • have been

  • Despite

  • a great deal of

More than ten students have failed the exam, that surprised the class teacher.

  • more than

  • have failed

  • that

  • the

Chemical engineering is based in the principles of physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

  • in

  • principles

  • chemistry

  • mathematics

Not everyone realizes that the most largest organ of the human body is the skin.

  • not everyone

  • most largest

  • human

  • is

It is very difficult for her to prevent him for smoking in her house.

  • very

  • for

  • prevent

  • for smoking

It is time the government do something to help the unemployed to find some jobs.

  • do

  • time

  • the unemployed

  • some

. Because her sickness she didn’t take part in the English competition held in Sunday.

  • Because

  • she

  • take

  • held

My elder sisters, both of them were doctors, said they were too busy to pick me up.

  • elder

  • both of them

  • too busy

  • to pick

Foreign students who are doing a decision about which school to attend may not know exactly where the choices are located

  • are doing

  • about which

  • to attend

  • the choices

The earth is the only
planet with a large number of oxygen in its

  • the

  • number

  • oxygen

  • its

Mrs. Stevens, along with
her cousins from Canada, are planning to
the firework display in Da Nang, Vietnam.

  • with

  • her

  • are

  • to attend

If you take the train, it would be much more convenient.

  • if

  • the train

  • would be

  • much

You shouldn’t criticize him in front of his friends. It was insensitive of you.

  • shouldn’t criticize

  • him in front of

  • it

  • insensitive

Neither the Minister nor his colleagues has given an explanation for the chaos in the financial market last week.

  • Neither

  • has given

  • for

  • the financial market

The number of students attending universities to study economics have increased steadily in the last few years.

  • of students

  • attending

  • economics

  • have