
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao phần 14

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ đồng nghĩa nâng cao

Although the hours are longer, John earns more in his new joB.

  • gets on

  • brings in

  • makes out

  • takes up

The new cow boy-film catches the fancy of the children.

  • attracts

  • statisfies

  • surprises

  • amuses

The blank space of the paper must be 1.5 inches at the top and 1 inch at the bottom and on the sides.

  • frames

  • borders

  • shutters

  • margins

Many political radicals advocated that women should not be discriminated on the basic of their sex.

  • openly criticized

  • rightly claimed

  • publicly said

  • publicly supported

Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth.

  • marked

  • shared

  • hidden

  • separated

I don’t like that man. There is a sneaky look on his face.

  • furious

  • humorous

  • dishonest

  • guilty

A brief outlined of the course and bibliography were handed out to the students at the first meeting.

  • dispensed

  • dispersed

  • distributed

  • contributed

The real meaning of the poem was obscured by the pretentious language in which it was written.

  • exposed

  • apparent C . hidden

  • shown

Most of the school-leavers are sanguine about the idea of going to work and earning money.

  • fearsome

  • expected

  • excited

  • optimistic

He was fired because of his misconduct at the office party.

  • mistake

  • impropriety

  • condition

  • singing

A multitude of people attended the fund-raising presentation in the mall.

  • small number

  • select group

  • huge crowd

  • large herd

Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.

  • romantic part

  • important part

  • difficult part

  • interesting part

I told her I understood what she was feeling as we were both after all in the same boat.

  • in a similar take

  • in a similar find

  • in a similar situation

  • in a similar case

I’ll take the new job whose salary is fantastic.

  • reasonable

  • acceptable

  • pretty high

  • wonderful

Adverse reviews in the New York press may greatly change the prospects of a new Broadway production.

  • subversive

  • additional

  • encouraging

  • unfavorable

Many doctors are still general practitioners, but the tendency is toward specialization in medicine.

  • rumor

  • trend

  • prejudice

  • security

Helen Keller, blind and deaf from an early age, developed her sense of smell so finely that she could identify friends by their personal odors.

  • classify

  • recognize

  • describe

  • communicate with

In spite of all the provocations, he maintained utmost patience.

  • inflicted

  • sustained

  • restrained

  • exercised

I told you clearly and definitely not to write your answers in pencil, Smith!

  • considerably

  • thoroughly

  • altogether

  • specificially

The activists were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.

  • Providing healthy ideas

  • harming

  • Nurturing

  • keeping in the dark

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