
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa cơ bản – Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs. …

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa cơ bản

Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.

  • appeared

  • died

  • joined

  • celebrated

Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during fry seasons.

  • Bad

  • Weak

  • Slow

  • Ugly

He is writing a book on the representation of woman in medieval art.

  • men

  • female

  • girl

  • mother

In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.

  • leisurely

  • slowly

  • weakly

  • shortly

At times, this can be risky, and the keepers have been injured and one has been killed.

  • good

  • useful

  • healthy

  • secure

Use water sparingly and keep water clean.

  • dusty

  • dirty

  • wicked

  • halfway

We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.

  • uninterested

  • unsure

  • open

  • slow

It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.

  • welcome

  • appear

  • switch

  • close

She must be very strong to carry such a weight on her back.

  • weak

  • musculous

  • sick

  • healthy

The Germany’s war hysteria has accounted for its people’s hostility towards foreigners.

  • disease

  • ceremony

  • malaria

  • friendliness

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