
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ trái nghĩa nâng cao phần 10

Tìm từ trái nghĩa nâng cao

He is over the moon about his examination result.

  • stressed

  • very sad

  • very happy

  • satisfied

Her father likes the head cabbage rare.

  • over-boiled

  • precious

  • scarce

  • scare

It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.

  • obvious

  • indistinct

  • transparent

  • evident

52. At the managers’ meeting, the group decided against the new project as a viable option and decided on another direction to ensure success for the company’s fall line.

  • impractical

  • feasible

  • practical

  • positive

We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours.

  • an active society

  • an inactive society

  • a physical society

  • a working society

His new yacht is certainly an ostentatious display of his wealth.

  • showy

  • expensive

  • modest

  • large

After a grueling and busy week at work, the stillness of the river reminded Lara of the silence.

  • uproar

  • tranquility

  • serenity

  • tameness

Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

  • disciplined

  • selective

  • wholesale

  • unconscious

My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.

  • be optimistic

  • be pessimistic

  • be confident

  • be smart

The government is not prepared to tolerate this situation any longer.

  • look down on

  • put up with

  • take away from

  • give on to

Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus.

  • large quantity

  • small quantity

  • excess

  • sufficiency

The soliders will do anything to halt the enemies from entering.

  • stop

  • start

  • continue

  • kill

Affluent families find it easier to support their children financially.

  • Wealthy

  • Well-off

  • Privileged

  • Impoverished

Most of the guests at the dinner party chose to dress elegantly, but one man wore jeans and a T-shirt, he was later identified as a high school teacher.

  • unsophisticatedly

  • decently

  • gaudily

  • gracefully

She wrote me a vicious letter.

  • helpful

  • gently

  • dangerous

  • healthy

He inherited a lucrative business from his father.

  • lucid

  • unprofitable

  • wealthy

  • profitable

Her thoughtless comments made him very angry.

  • honest

  • kind

  • pleasant

  • thoughtful

We have to husband our resources to make sure we make it through these hard times.

  • spend

  • manage

  • use up

  • marry

They are launching a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues.

  • encourage

  • publicize

  • hinder

  • strengthen

My mom is always bad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.

  • feeling embarrassed

  • talking too much

  • very happy

  • easily annoyed

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