
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh tổng hợp – Choose the best answer.He __________ her before….

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

  • absence

  • nature

  • machine

  • standard

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
There are several ways to measure how often men and women appear in news photos. One way is to think about all the photos together as making up one big crowd of people and estimating what share are women versus men. Women made up 33% of all the 53,067 individuals identified in news post images, while men made up the other 67%.
Another way to look at the data is to examine the mix of people who appear in each image. Across the 22,342 posts with photos containing identifiable human faces, more than half of them exclusively showed men, while less than a quarter showed exclusively women. The remaining images show at least one man and one woman.
All 17 news outlets included in the study showed more men than women in news images on Facebook during the study period. The share of individuals who were identified as women by the model ranges from 25% to 46%, by outlet.
While these findings are striking, there is no perfect benchmark or “true ratio” for how often men and women should be portrayed in news images on social media. Yes, the U.S. population is divided nearly in half, male versus female. But, for example, all the representational coverage of professional football teams would return results overwhelmingly dominated by male faces. Coverage of the U.S. Senate – currently 25% female – might do the same. In addition, the analysis did not address whether the content of the news stories that accompanied the images was more focused on men or women.
The analysis also reveals other ways that men are more prominent in news images on Facebook. In photos that showed two or more people, men tend to outnumber women. And men’s faces take up more space when shown, with the average male face being 10% larger than the average female face across all photos with people.

Which of the reason why men are more prominent in news images can be inferred from the passage?

  • Women are whiter than men.

  • women’s face was smaller than men’s.

  • Women didn’t like taking photos.

  • Men didn’t make up.

TẠM DỊCH​Có một số cách để đo tần suất đàn ông và phụ nữ xuất hiện trong ảnh tin tức. Một cách là suỵ nghĩ yề tất cả các bức ảnh cùng nhau khi tạo thành một đám đông lớn và ước tính tỷ trọng phụ nữ sa fới nam giới. Phụ nữ chiếm 33% trong tổng số 53.067 cá nhân được xác định trong các hình ảnh đăng tịn tưc, trong khi đàn ông chiếm 67% còn lại.
Một cách khác để xem dữ liệu là kiêm tra sự pha trộn của những người xuất hiện trong mỗi hình ảnh. Trên 22.342 bài đăng có ảnh chứa khuôn mặt người có thể nhận dạng, hơn một nửa trong số đó chỉ dành riêng cho nam giới, trong khi chưa đến một phần tư cho thấy phụ nữ. Những hiunh ảnh còn lại cho thấy ít nhất một nam và một nữ.
Tất cả 17 nơi phân phối tin tức trong nghiên cứu cho thấy nhiều đàn ông hơn phụ nữ trong các hình ảnh tin tức trên Facebook trong thời gian nghiên cứu. Tỷ lệ của các cá nhân được xác định là phụ nữ theo mô hình dao động từ 25% đến 46%, theo từng nơi phân phối.
Mặc dù những phát hiện này rất đáng chú ý, nhưng không có điểm chuẩn hoàn hảo hay tỷ lệ đúng sự thật về mức độ thường xuyên của đàn ông và phụ nữ trong eác hình ảnh tin tức trên phương tiện truyền thông xã hội. Vâng, dân số Hoa Kỳ được chia gân môt nưxa nam so với nữ. Nhưng, ví dụ, tất cả các phạm vi bao phủ đại diện của các đội bóng đá chuyên nghiệp sẽ trả lại kết quả áp đảo bởi các khuôn mặt nam. Mức độ bao phủ của Thượng viện Hoa Kỳ – hiện là nự 25% – có thể cũng giống như vậy. Ngoài ra, phân tích không đề cập đến việc nội dung của những câu chuyện tin tức đi kèm với hình ảnh được tập trung nhiều hơn vào đàn ông hay phụ nữ.
Phân tích cũng tiết lộ những cách khác mà đàn ông nổi bật hơn trong hình ảnh tin tức trên Facebook. Trong những bức ảnh cho thấy hai người trở lên, đàn ông có xu hướng đông hơn phụ nũ. Và khuôn mặt đàn ông chiếm nhiều không gian hơn khi hiển thị, với khuôn mặt nam trung bình lớn hơn 10% so với khuôn mặt nữ trung bình trên tất ca các bức ảnh với mọi người.

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Around the world, rights related to information technology that are already legally recognized are daily being violated, (26) _____________in the name of economic advancement, political stability or for personal greed and interests. Violations of these rights have (27) _____________new problems in human social systems, such as the digital divide, cybercrime, digital security and privacy concerns, all of which have affected people's lives either directly or indirectly. It is important that countries come up with guidelines for action to (28) _____________the incidences of malicious attacks on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic data and systems, computer-related crimes, content related offences and violations of intellectual property rights. (29) _____________, threats to critical infrastructure and national interests arising from the use of the internet for criminal and terrorist activities are a growing (30) _____________.
The word or phrase which best fits the gap (27) is…

  • created

  • ceased

  • arisen

  • forego

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the questions from 35 to 42
Clothing is a distinctly human artifact. Even more than the use of tools, it distinguishes humans from the other creatures on this planet. While there are other creatures which use implements to a greater or lesser degree, clothing is unique to humanity. Clothing is also uniquely human, in that it serves more than one function. The basic purpose of clothing was originally utilitarian. By putting on an artificial skin, humans were able to move into regions where they otherwise would have been unable to cope with the climate. An extreme example of this use of clothing can be seen among the Eskimos, and other people who live with extreme cold. However, clothing was not only used for protection from the elements, but has also been a means of displaying one's status and sense of style for as long as humans have had civilisation. Thus clothing also developed in countries where there is no real practical need for it, apart from the other, very human function of preserving the modesty of the wearer.
Clothing tells us many things about the wearer. It can be used to indicate whether she is a member of a particular group or organisation, the most extreme example of this type of clothing being a uniform. It tells us a lot about the importance of clothing that the clothes a person was wearing have been, literally, the difference between life and death. In war, soldiers recognise friends and enemies by their uniforms. Spies may be shot if captured, but if they go about their business in the uniform of their country, they are regarded as legitimate members of that country's armed forces.
Uniforms can also be less formal. Anyone who has seen a group of teenagers walking together will have noticed that their clothing conforms to the standard set by their particular group. Nor are teens the only ones who are subject to such pressures. It is a rare businessman who does not feel the need to wear a suit and tie. Most politicians also try to be neat and well-dressed. People who wish to impress others often do so by the selection of their clothes – sometimes by choosing more expensive versions. This can be seen particularly in the fashion industry, where clothing by a particular designer fetches prices which are out of all proportion to the actual utilitarian value of the material.
The significance of what we wear and how we wear it is, If anything, becoming more rather than less important as the cultures of the world mix and sometimes come into collision. There have been cases on holiday islands where the locals have a strict conservative tradition and have been outraged by visitors – especially female visitors – who wear far less than the minimum that the locals consider decent. The humble headscarf has become a symbol of conformism to religious values, and some westerners are as affronted by a woman wearing one as others in the Middle East are upset by its absence. (Yet in medieval Europe, both men and women habitually kept their heads covered in public, and almost always when outdoors. ) Indeed, the signals given by clothing as worn by men and women has not decreased because many women now wear what were once "men's”garments. For example today most women are very comfortable wearing jeans. Yet the sight of a man in a dress would raise eyebrows in most western cultures. For even though the signals given by clothing change over time – the ancient Romans thought that only barbarians wore trousers – the signals themselves are as strong as ever. It is impossible not to signal something about yourself in the clothes you wear, for even not trying to say anything is itself a strong signal.
Therefore, even though we are steadily managing to adjust our micro-environments to temperatures which are as close to ideal as the human body wants, and even though sexual taboos of undress are being steadily eroded, it is highly unlikely that there will be no use for clothing in our future, unless humanity evolves into a completely new species.
Clothes are uniquely human because they___________

  • are artefacts.

  • have many different functions.

  • are made by tools.

  • are worn when they are unnecessary.

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai (nâng cao)

Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money.

  • Provide

  • With

  • Satisfaction

  • Well

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai (nâng cao)

Two weeks are plenty of time to finish the assignment.

  • Weeks

  • Are

  • Plenty of time

  • To finish

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai (nâng cao)

Some of my friends are good at English while other are good at Mathematics.

  • My friends

  • At

  • While

  • Other

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm lỗi sai (nâng cao)

In the end of the party, Mary found herself washing the dishes alone again, as usual.

  • In the end of

  • Herself

  • Washing

  • As usual

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ có phát âm khác (cơ bản)

Tìm từ có phát âm khác biệt – uw73b9iu

  • interviewed

  • performed

  • finished

  • delivered

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ có phát âm khác (cơ bản)

Tìm từ có phát âm khác biệt – 4gzn3ny0

  • crucial

  • partial

  • financial

  • material

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ có phát âm khác (cơ bản)

Tìm từ có phát âm khác biệt – rxfq89sx

  • exported

  • enjoyed

  • existed

  • crowded

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm từ có phát âm khác (cơ bản)

Tìm từ có phát âm khác biệt – uvw214uh

  • objection

  • obey

  • impose

  • forbid

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

Never has she behaved like that before, ?

  • hasn’t she

  • has she

  • did she

  • didn’t she

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

The weather is very _______ at this time of year.

  • change

  • changed

  • changeable

  • changeless

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

_______ me about your summer vacation then.

  • Say

  • Talk

  • Tell

  • Speak

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (cơ bản)

Students say it is helpful if teachers _______ their pronunciation.

  • correct

  • correction

  • corrective

  • correctly

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Thì hiện tại hoàn thành Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

He __________ her before.

  • has never met

  • never has met

  • have never met

  • never have met

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Thì hiện tại hoàn thành Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

________ money for your mother?

  • Do you just pay

  • Did you just pay

  • Have you just paid

  • Are you just paying

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Thì hiện tại hoàn thành Tiếng Anh 12

Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.

The cutting or replacement of trees downtown _____ arguments recently. 

  • has caused

  • have caused

  • are creating

  • created

Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp Thì hiện tại hoàn thành Tiếng Anh 12

Choose the best answer.

He _________ that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

  • is just realizing

  • has just realized

  • just realizes

  • realizes just

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