
Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12 – Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. The biologists have found more than one thousand …

Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp tiếng anh lớp 12

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
The biologists have found more than one thousand types of butterflies in the forest, _____________its special characteristics.

  • each one has

  • which has

  • each having

  • having

Câu hỏi: Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
I was not in the mood for taking part in a chatting forum.

  • I didn't want to join in a chatting forum.

  • I was not in a good mood then to chat to you.

  • Having a serious conversation made me moody.

  • I was in a bad mood because of taking part in a chatting forum.

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.
Successful students often do the followings while studying. First, they have an overview before reading. Next, they look for important information and pay greater attention to it (which often needs jumping forward or backward to process information). They also relate important points to one another. Also, they activate and use their prior knowledge. When they realize that their understanding is not good, they do not wait to change strategies. Last, they can monitor understanding and take action to correct or “fix up” mistakes in comprehension.

Conversely, students with low academic achievement often demonstrate ineffective study skills. They tend to assume a passive role, in learning and rely on others (e.g., teachers, parents) to monitor their studying, for example, low-achieving students often do not monitor their understanding of content; they may not be aware of the purpose of studying; and they show little evidence of looking back, or employing “fix-up” strategies to fix understanding problems. Students who struggle with learning new information seem to be unaware that they must extent effort beyond simply reading the content to understand and remember it.

Children with learning disabilities do not plan and judge the quality of their studying. Their studying may be disorganized. Students with learning problems face challenges with personal organization as well. They often have difficulty keeping track of materials and assignments, following directions, and completing work on time. Unlike good studiers who employ a variety of study skills in a flexible yet purposeful manner, low-achieving students use a restricted range of study skills. They cannot explain why good study strategies are important for learning; and they tend to use the same, often ineffective study approach for all learning tasks, ignoring task content, structure or difficulty.

(Source: Adapted from Study Skills: Managing Your Learning — NUI Galway)

Which of the followings is NOT an evidence of monitoring studying?

  • Being aware of the purpose of studying

  • Monitoring their understanding of content

  • Fixing up mistakes in understanding

  • Looking at their backs

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.
Homeopathy, the alternative therapy created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, and now widely used all over the world, is based on the belief that the body can be stimulated to heal itself. A central principle of the “treatment” is that “like cures like”, meaning a substance that causes certain symptoms can also help to remove those symptoms. Medicines used in homeopathy are created by heavily diluting in water the substance in question and subsequently shaking the liquid vigorously. They can then be made into tablets and pills. Practitioners believe that the more a substance is diluted in this way, the greater its power to treat symptoms.
However, in a new study, a working committee of medical experts at Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has claimed that homeopathic medicines are only as effective as placebos at treating illness. Their research, involving the analysis of numerous reports from homeopathy interest groups and the public, concluded that there is no reliable evidence that homeopathy works. Moreover, researchers uncovered no fewer than 68 ailments that homeopathic remedies had failed to treat, including asthma, sleep disturbances, cold and flu, and arthritis.
As a result of the findings, the NHMRC is urging health workers to inform their patients to be wary of anecdotal evidence that appears to support the effectiveness of homeopathic medicine. “It isn’t possible to tell whether a health treatment is effective or not simply by considering the experience of one individual or the beliefs of a health practitioner” says the report. Experts believe that most illnesses said to have been cured by homeopathy would be cured by the body on its own without taking the medicine. Apparently, many illnesses are short-lived by their very nature which often leads to people believing that it is the homeopathy that cures them.
A more serious matter is highlighted by Professor John Dwyer of the University of New South Wales. As an immunologist, he is concerned about homeopathic vaccinations on offer for diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, none of which he considers effective. According to Professor John Dwyer, the concept that homeopathic vaccinations are just as good as traditional vaccinations is delusion, and those who believe it are failing to protect themselves and their children.
What does the word “their” in paragraph 2 refer to?

  • committee


  • medicines

  • placebos

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 33 to 37.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the world was becoming more aware of the destructive effects of industry (33) ___________. the environment and people were starting to think seriously about ways of protecting the environment. One man who was particularly affected by this subject was Gerard Morgan-Grenville. As Morgan-Grenville travelled round earning his living as a gardener, he noticed signs of damage that was being done to the countryside around him. It wasn’t long before Morgan-Grenville decided that he had to do something about this situation. He felt that if people could be shown a better way of living then maybe they would be interested enough to try to protect their (34) ___________environment.
Mr. Morgan-Grenville decided to set up a project (35) ___________would prove what was happening
to our surroundings and what could be done about it. So, in 1975, Morgan-Grenville created the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in a village in Wales.
The main aim of CAT is to search for an ecologically better way of living by using technology which (36) ___________no harm to the environment. One of the most important things CAT did initially was to explore and demonstrate a wide range of techniques and to point out which ones had the least destructive results on the world around us. (37) ___________, CAT provides information and advice to people all over Britain and all over the world. If more and more individuals are informed about how much damage our modern lifestyle is causing to the planet, maybe more of them would be prepared to look for practical solutions to environmental problems.
The word or phrase which best fits the gap (37) is…

  • Therefore

  • However

  • Moreover

  • Although

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Sometimes it is better not to say the truth if someone is likely to be upset unnecessarily.

  • say

  • truth

  • upset

  • unnecessarily

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
They never came to class late, ________?

  • didn’t they

  • did they

  • do they

  • don’t they

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
As soon as James started working, he realized that his decision had not been a good one.

  • Just before James took up his new post, he realized that he was not suited for it.

  • No sooner had James begun his new job than he knew his decision was wrong.

  • Had James not begun his new job, he would have gone looking for a better one.

  • Since James did not like his new job, he began looking for a better one.

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Those in ____ of banning laptops in classrooms like to demonstrate how handwritten notes lead to better learning compared to notes taken on a computer.

  • search

  • need

  • view

  • favor

Câu hỏi: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions
Mike became a father. He felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Were Mike to become a father himself, he would feel a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Only after Mike had become a father himself did he feel a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Had Mike become a father himself, he would have felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents.

  • Not until he felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents did Mike become a father himself.

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