Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (nâng cao) phần 1

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Điền từ vào chỗ trống (nâng cao)

Ann’s encouraging words gave me ________ to undertake the demanding task once again.

  • a point

  • an incentive

  • a resolution

  • a target

Her outgoing character contrasts ______ with that of her sister.

  • thoroughly

  • fully

  • sharply

  • coolly

I assume that you are acquainted ________ this subject since you are responsible ________ writing the accompanying materials.

  • to/for

  • with/for

  • to/to

  • with/with

My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he ______ to the occasion wonderfully.

  • raised

  • rose

  • fell

  • faced

We expected him at eight, but he finally _______at midnight.

  • turned up

  • came off

  • came to

  • turned in

She is without _____ the best student in the class.

  • evidence

  • fail

  • sense

  • mistake

This winter wasn’t_______ as difficult as last winter.

  • almost

  • nearly

  • closely

  • just

They were among the first companies to exploit the ______ of the Internet.

  • potential

  • prospect

  • possibility

  • ability

Tom: “Is there anything interesting _____ the paper today?” Anna: “Well, there’s an unusual picture____ the back page ”

  • on – on

  • in – on

  • in – in

  • on – in

Scientists warn that many of the world’s great cities are _______ flooding.

  • being

  • at risk

  • in danger of

  • endangered

Paul is a very _______ character, he is never relaxed with strangers.

  • self-conscious

  • self-satisfied

  • self-directed

  • self-confident

The authorities _______ actions to stop illegal purchase of wild animals and their associated products effectively. However, they didn’t do so.

  • must have taken

  • had to take

  • needed have taken

  • should have taken

I’ve been on _____ nine since I heard that I passed the exam.

  • happiness

  • sky

  • universe

  • cloud

Please don’t ______ a word of this to anyone else, it’s highly confidential.

  • speak

  • pass

  • mutter

  • breathe

Mr. Putin won a fourth term as Russia’s president, picking up more than three-quarters of the vote with ______ of more than 67%.

  • an outcome

  • a turnup

  • a turnout

  • an output

Snow and rain ______ of nature.

  • are phenomena

  • is phenomena

  • is phenomenon

  • are phenomenon

Many young people in rural areas don`t want to spend their lives on the farm like ______ parents.

  • weather-beaten

  • up-to-date

  • long-term

  • wide-range

“Can I use your computer?” – “_______.”

  • Well done.

  • No, thanks.

  • Of course

  • Yes, I can

The second bus ________ didn’t stop either.

  • that was full

  • what was full

  • which was full

  • that was full

Dawn’s thinking of setting ______ a social club for local disabled people.

  • out

  • in

  • up

  • off