
Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (nâng cao) – His irresponsible attitude is putting his career in jeopardy. …

Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh: Tìm câu cận nghĩa (nâng cao)

His irresponsible attitude is putting his career in jeopardy.

  • His so irresponsible that he has no career.

  • His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career.

  • His career is to jeopardize irresponsible attitude.

  • Both A and C

I had to do my homework. I could not help my mother with the washing-up.

  • Because I was busy doing my homework, I could not help my mother with the washing-up.

  • It was impossible for me to do my homework although my mother helped me with the washing-up.

  • I could not help my mother with the washing-up until I finished my homework.

  • I could not do my homework because I had to help my mother with the washing-up.

I had two job offers upon graduation, neither of which was appropriate for my qualifications.

  • Both of the job offers I had prior to my graduation were appropriate for my qualifications.

  • I was offered two jobs soon after my graduation, both of which were suitable for my qualifications.

  • The two jobs offered to me after my graduation didn’t suit my qualifications.

  • Though I wasn’t qualified enough, two jobs were offered to me upon graduation.

I have not met her for three years.

  • I did not meet her three years ago.

  • During three years, I met her once.

  • It is three years when I will meet her.

  • The last time I met her was three years ago.

. You can stay in the flat for free as long as you pay the bills.

  • Whether you pay the bills or stay in the flat, it is free.

  • Without the bills paid, you can stay in the free flat.

  • Unless the flat is free of bills, you cannot stay in it.

  • Provided you pay the bills, you can stay in the flat for free.

. “I’m sorry. I didn’t do the homework.” said the boy.

  • The boy admitted not doing the homework.

  • The boy said that he was sorry and he wouldn’t do the homework.

  • The boy denied not doing the homework.

  • The boy refused to do the homework.

“It would be a good idea that we should try to get local support for new motorway”, said Joe.

  • Joe suggested that they try to get local support for new motorway.

  • Joe claimed we should try to get local support for new motorway.

  • Joe suggested that they try getting local support for new motorway.

  • Joe wanted to know why they shouldn’t try getting local support for new motorway.

They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them.

  • So fierce was their dog that nobody would visit them.

  • Their dog was fierce enough for anybody to visit them.

  • If their dog weren’t fierce, somebody would visit them.

  • So fierce a dog did they had that nobody would visit them.

We had better leave him a note because it is possible they will arrive late.

  • We had better leave him a note in case they may arrive late.

  • We had better leave him a note in case they will arrive late.

  • We had better leave him a note in case they are likely to arrive late.

  • We had better leave him a note in case they arrive late.

She gave in her notice. She planned to start her new job in January.

  • She gave in her notice, plan to start her new job in January.

  • She gave in her notice with a view to starting her new job in January.

  • Her notice was given in with an aim to start her new job in January.

  • Her notice was given in order for her to start her new job in January.

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